How I pay for this

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bock from extract, and great news!

I'm putting together my last intermediate recipe from a Bock blend extract before I move to grain-only. It was absolutely spontaneous, and there was about five minutes between the thought "I'm bored, and have beer-making things," and turning the stove on with a pot of water. This will yield about five gallons and be ready in about three weeks. It's a clone brew, so there's nothing especially unique about it. That said, it should be tasty nonetheless.

In other news, I was recently asked to run the business end of a start-up brewery, tentatively named "380 Brewing Co.," so this will be the last of my hobby brews before I get into serious product development and take more of a "from scratch" approach to brewing. This is a huge step for me, as I have always wanted to leave the corporate world for the entrepreneurial. The ability to pursue two passions at once is a blessing. You can follow the business side of this venture at . I will continue to use this one to chronicle the beermaking itself. Please come back soon!

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