How I pay for this

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bayou Brew

A few months ago, I took a road trip with a very dear friend. I flew up to Baltimore to meet him, and we drove all the way to Houston, TX. Although the company was exceptional, the one place that I can honestly say I wanted to spend more time in was good ole 'nawlins.

I had gone to Louisiana for one week a year to visit family as an annual summer tradition from about ages 8-16. We went to the gator farms, caught various reptiles and even went to Cafe du Monde once or twice. This time, it was "Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go DIRECTLY to Vieux Carre." Well, we stopped to get a hotel in Metairie, because I am cheap like that, but you get the idea...

The people there are superbly hospitable, the atmosphere is world class, and I have already planned a return trip for this summer. What follows is my tribute to the 'Big Easy.' I call this batch BB-1, or "Bayou Brew."

This time, I cut the pound of honey down to 10oz, and replaced it with 6oz of pure cane syrup (Think molasses). From there, it was the usual lemon, cinnamon and cloves with just a hint of tea. Currently, it is roughly the same color as Newcastle Brown Ale, but otherwise has roughly the same consistency/clarity as other brews of its age. I am stoked about this one, as it smells absolutely splendid!

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